AirShare, the uncrewed traffic management (UTM) system used to help safely integrate uncrewed traffic into the airspace will be deployed for a group of New Zealand unattended aerodromes and large landowners as part of an airspace integration trial – the first being Tekapo Aerodrome. 

AirShare has been used by Airways New Zealand since 2014 to support safe management of uncrewed aircraft across New Zealand airspace. The UTM system helps to reduce risks related to uncrewed aircraft, and enhances situational awareness for airspace managers. 

Unattended aerodrome operators and large landowners participating in the trial will gain visibility of drone flights logged within the airspace they manage, and will have the ability to easily give authorisation for flights as required. 

Drone pilots operating within the vicinity of the aerodromes and other sites will be encouraged to log their flights with AirShare, saving them time and effort in requesting permission to fly and streamlining the aerodrome operators’ processes around uncrewed aircraft flight management.  The trial will also support better situational awareness for both the aerodrome and drone pilots. 

The trial will run for a minimum of three months at each aerodrome or site. Participants and drone operators will provide feedback to AirShare which will be shared with key stakeholders such as the Civil Aviation Authority and Ministry of Transport, to inform and facilitate future decision-making around uncrewed aircraft flying in New Zealand. 

The AirShare team has closely collaborated with first trial participant Tekapo Aerodrome to deploy the UTM onsite, and both organisations have liaised with local drone pilots who fly within 4km of the aerodrome. 

Sharon Cooke, CEO of Airways International which developed AirShare, says: “The AirShare team has enjoyed working with aerodromes participating in this trial to help further enhance aviation safety through wider situational awareness of drones across our airspace. We look forward to hearing feedback from Air Safaris and drone operators, as AirShare and aviation stakeholders work together to learn about sharing the air and safe airspace integration.” 

Justin Sturrock, Safety Manager for Air Safaris which operates Tekapo Aerodrome, says: “We often work with drone operators around Lake Tekapo. The use of the AirShare UTM will help us to effectively monitor and manage drone activities around the aerodrome - we strongly encourage all drone pilots to log their flights with AirShare which will support safe operations, and the safety of all airspace users.” 

Trials at further unattended aerodromes will be announced as agreements are finalised.