
Found 1542 results.

Cloud-based air traffic control at Adolf Würth Airport in Germany

Schwäbisch Hall aerodrome has been successfully monitoring its ATC using a cloud-based air situation display system from DFS Aviation Services GmbH.

London City airport controlled by remote digital tower

London City Airport has become the first major international airport in the world to be fully controlled by a remote digital air traffic control tower

Entry Point North and ROSE Simulation provide simulator software

Entry Point North has awarded ROSE Simulation GmbH a contract to deliver software for the simulators which are used in Air Traffic Controller training.

D3 Technologies joins Initiative for Advanced Air Mobility

D3 Technologies AG joined the Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium (CAAM) for Urban Air Traffic Control (ATC) definition and implementation in Canada

RAF red arrows airforce show

The Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) - CANCELLED

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been cancelled to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Is the time right for LDACS?

LDACS as an option for future mobile data link applications. How far along are we?

Farnborough International Airshow - CANCELLED

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been cancelled to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Kazakhstan Defence Exhibition (KADEX) - CANCELLED

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been cancelled to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia (AAAA) National Fly-In - CANCELLED

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been cancelled to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Feria Internacional del Aire y del Espacio (FIDAE) - CANCELLED

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been cancelled to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Danish Airshow - CANCELLED

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been cancelled to limit to spread of COVID-19.

ARMY 2020 - International Military & Technical Forum

Russia's ARMY 2020 International Military & Technical Forum makes a return to the calendar this year, organised by the Russian Federation's Ministry of Defence. Social distancing rules are in place

Flugplatzfest Wershofen 2020 - CANCELLED

Unfortunately, due to the current situation regarding Covid-19, this airshow has been cancelled for the year 2020.

Tampa Bay AirFest - POSTPONED

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been postponed to limit the spread of COVID-19. A new date for the show has yet to be announced.